Monday, November 24, 2014


Today we continued to watch the movie "Slum Dog Millionaire." This movie keeps getting more and more interesting but it is still a very good movie. As the kids are older now Samal is getting involved with drugs and drinking and it is starting to control him. As the brothers found Latika Jamal gets kicked out of the apartment room they are staying in as salim puts a gun to Jamals head and keeps Latika to get money. Salem got hired by a new boss when he saw that salim pulled a gun out on people. Jamal then goes and gets a job at a place where he can find people so he looks up his brothers name and he calls him. His brother answered and said to come to him. Jamal went to find him and when he found him he punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground. Jamal then asked where Latika was and Salem said she was gone then Jamal went and followed Salem and he arrived at a gate where he made eye contact with Latika the guard asked why he was there and he said he was the dishwasher and they let him in where he talked to Latika in the kitchen then a guy came in and Latika quickly gave Jamal an apron. The guy then said to make him a sandwich so they made him a sandwich and he took a bite then spit it out. He kicked Jamal out and he said to Latika to meet him at the train station at 5. Then Jamal was waiting and waiting then he finally saw her she looked up at him and they were running for each other, Jamal looked behind Latika and saw three guys chasing after her as she tried to escape. They caught her and took her into a car Jamal was at the window and the guys pulled out a knife and cut her as Jamal watched, then they drove off.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Mumbai and Harford County

There are many differences between Mumbai and Harford County. I am thankful that I don't have to live in those conditions. We have bathrooms to use when all they have is an outhouse. We have a house with TVs and everything to interest us when their houses are the size of a small classroom. Their cops are corrupt and our cops support and protect us. Also their are fights between Hindu and Muslims when we don't have any kind of wars like that. In school teachers are allowed to hit the students when they would get arrested for doing that here. Also most people don't jump on trains to escape here. The streets here are bigger and not as crowded. We also have washing machines to wash our clothes in rather than a dirty river. We have clean water to drink instead of drinking the river water. We can shower in a shower instead of cleaning off in a river. They don't even get to wear shoes when we get clean clothes and shoes. The kids have to give fake tours and steal shoes and purses to get money.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Slumdog Milionare

Today we started the movie Slumdog Million are, I have already seen this movie but its been awhile so I only remember a few parts. This movie really shows how the slums in India are how people have to live. I feel bad for the kids in India that are young and don't have a safe place to stay. When they have to go to the bathroom they don't have toilets they go and it goes straight down and just makes a puddle. Also the people don't have police that protect them the police are almost against them. It must be hard to live in a situation like that.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today my computer was dead and I did not have a charger all day so I could not work on the Spotify. I did make the class productive by working on my other class work that I had to finish from another class.

Monday, November 17, 2014


When we first got to class we got our tests back. I was worried on how I did but when I went to look at my grade I was relieved when I saw an 80. I thought I did worse than an 80. Then we looked at a county map on which people call soda, pop or anything else. Then we closed out class talking about cultural geography.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Country Facts

  • Federal Republic
  • Dilma Rousseff  as president
  • Re electing a new leader that agrees with more of her policies- way to get rid of her
  • Parliamentary Democracy
  • monarch head of state
  • Prime Minister Stephen Harper
  • 1931- became one of the Commonwealth Countries
  • Stephen Harper- can be impeached, even though people protested and said he couldn't
Here are some notes I might need for the test. And also in class we talked about internet, Enrique, How you use credit Cards.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Country Facts

  • Federal Republic
  • Started in 1991
  • Run by Vladimir Putin and Mendvedev
  • Vladimir was president from 2000-2008
  • Medvedev was president from 2008-2012
  • Prime Minister of Russia
  • Government submits the federal budget to the State Dumas
  • They manage federal property
  • Republic under Bashar Al Assad
  • 7 year long terms
  • Expected to remain the leader for a long time

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Country Facts

  • Federal republic
  • state that does not have a sovereign head of state
  • Leader of Germany is Angela Merkel, Chancellor
  • First female chancellor of Germany
Today in class we started our presentations, We did not have to present today, so all I did was take notes on other peoples presentations. On France, Germany, and United States. I took some notes on Germany up top.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Today we found out that the project had to be a PowerPoint so in class all we had to do was transfer everything onto a PowerPoint and get a few more notes:

How long They are expected to be the leaders-  
Prime Minister- No estimated time expected
Emperor-  As long as the people want him in power